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Read this, and you will find true love

I believe that as a tarot reader, the most frequently asked question is: "when will I find love?" "How can I find it?" In fact, I really understand it, but I don't feel competent to answer such questions, because I myself, have been single since the day of birth. I have asked it so many times that in the end I got sick of it.

If you dig into the questions, from "how can you find love?" -- I want to find love -- why do I want to find love? -- Because I feel lonely, I want to have what others do -- why lonely? Why do you want to have it seeing other do?

(Orígin:Time of Idina)

Imagine when you were a kid, when everyone else had the same toy but you didn't have it, you would definitely feel envious. The biggest reason may be that you are not satisfied with the existing one. This kind of vanity that generates from comparison is actually the lack of self-confidence. We often look for things to make us feel better and superior, I know it because I used to think like this. When I see others being with their couples, I start to doubt myself if there is anything wrong with me.


Another main reason that we want to find someone is to seek company and understanding. It's all human nature. People have a lot of needs. Spiritual and emotional support are also very important. We all have a feeling of "you know me" when we are with friends and lovers, and this is precisely because they see the deepest part of our hearts, which is called shadow self. This self is in need of light and recognition.

From the above reasons, we can summarize that if we stop being single, we should first recognize and accept ourselves, which in my opinion is to love ourselves. Rupaul once said, "if you don't love yourself, how can you love others?" But you may ask, how do you love yourself? So I pulled out 3 cards from the Marseilles Tarot: 4 of swords, 2 of coins and 4 of cups.

CDB Tarot de Marseille by Yoav Ben-Dov

The number 4 represents stability, but it is also stubborn and inflexible. And 4 of sword symbolizes an rigid mode of thinking. The sword is inward and can cause injury. Our self-negation and self-suspicion harm our heart in a way that we don't even notice, once we fall into this cycle, it is hard to get out. Using the visual method, we find that the flower in the middle can represent the inner beauty, the shadow self that needs sunshine and love.

The 2 of coins that appears next tells us that we need to affirm our self-worth. What was blocked before is connected now. What coins bring us is steadiness, stability and affirmation. A coin will not depreciate no matter if you spit on it or trample it, and so does not our value. In addition, this card also tells us how to show our self-worth: write it down!

Then the 4 of cups represents emotional stability, self-sufficiency, comfort and safety. We see the flowers that were originally enclosed in our hearts is now blooming. If you want to be seen by others, you must first see yourself.

(origin:Leonie Sii)

Some people may say, if I love myself, why do I need others? Because people come together not to ask for love, but to support each other with it. This is a healthy relationship. If you don't have love, how can you give?

Will I get a partner when I learn to love myself? To be honest, I don't know, but I'm sure you will not find the waiting so long. There is a YouTuber called Shallon Lester and she said "Everything is a season" "No one will be single all the time, just like there is no year that is always winter.


Do you know another way to find true love? Share and like this blog!!!! Share love and you shall receive it!!!

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